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Stress, is it really that bad??

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You are stuck in traffic or on the tube and have an important meeting to get to….or your boss has given you another deadline meaning you need to work late again…Sound familiar? Stress is a fact of our modern life and can be triggered by a multitude of situations which can be encountered on a daily…

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Training for a marathon? Here’s why sports massage is important..

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If you are in training for one of the spring marathons such as Paris, Manchester, Brighton or London, then your mileage will be increasing steadily over the next few weeks/month, with weekly long runs heading towards the 20 mile mark. Hopefully you are noticing the benefit of your training so far, with increased cardio-vascular strength…

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Sports Injury? Follow the P.R.I.C.E protocol for enhanced recovery

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I often see people several weeks/months after they have had a sporting injury and hear widely varying accounts from patients on how they managed their injury in the important initial stages. Correct management and care of a sports injury can help to promote an faster healing and recovery process, helping you to get back to…

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Discover the Benefits of Massage!

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Massage promotes physical, physiological and psychological wellbeing Suitable for all – not just sportspeople! Effective treatment for muscular aches or pain Complement training to maximise sporting performance – via enhanced recovery Reduce risk of injury & improve recovery from injury Kinesio-taping and Dry Needling treatments also available

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