Medical acupuncture (or dry needling) is a neuromuscular treatment technique, which uses fine acupuncture needles to release tight muscles with the goal of permanently reducing muscle pain and dysfunction.
It is used to treat myofascial pain, specifically Trigger Points, which are painful points deep within tight bands of muscle fibres. Small, thin needles are inserted into the trigger points causing pain and restriction. The muscles may then contract and release (known as a local twitch response) improving flexibility of the muscle and decrease of symptoms. Treatment stimulates certain neurological sensors in the body which modulate pain signals. Medical acupuncture seeks to create positive local biochemical changes and an increase of blood flow which assists the healing process and a restoration of normal function and movement.
What type of problems can be treated? – Any condition where pain and dysfunction presents – It is particularly effective at treating long standing chronic muscle pain such as;
- Frequent headaches/migraines
- Neck or back pain
- Frozen shoulder/Rotator cuff impingement – reduced shoulder mobillity
- Sciatica
- Runner’s knee/IT Band ‘syndrome’
- Plantar Fasciitis – heel and foot pain
Vicky Carling-Roberts
Having regular therapy has made a huge positive difference in reducing acute exacerbations of a recurring injury I had
- Vicky Carling-Roberts
Having regular therapy has made a huge positive difference in reducing acute exacerbations of a recurring injury I had
- Vicky Carling-Roberts
Catherine Mulligan
I was having difficulties running due to pain in my neck and back. Maria did a fantastic job of analysing the underlying issues causing the pain and tailoring the massages to solve them. Cannot recommend highly enough
- Catherine Mulligan
I was having difficulties running due to pain in my neck and back. Maria did a fantastic job of analysing the underlying issues causing the pain and tailoring the massages to solve them. Cannot recommend highly enough
- Catherine Mulligan
Lina Tayara
Maria is an accomplished therapist, not only conscientious but also pleasant. She treated my chronic shoulder pain in a way that not only eased it but dealt with its cause.
- Lina Tayara
Maria is an accomplished therapist, not only conscientious but also pleasant. She treated my chronic shoulder pain in a way that not only eased it but dealt with its cause.
- Lina Tayara
Dr. Jacques Behmoaras
I swim three times a week and get sometimes back or neck pain. I found the remedial massage extremely efficient as it allowed me to continue swimming in the same frequency, significantly reducing my back pain
- Dr. Jacques Behmoaras
I swim three times a week and get sometimes back or neck pain. I found the remedial massage extremely efficient as it allowed me to continue swimming in the same frequency, significantly reducing my back pain
- Dr. Jacques Behmoaras
Catherine Mulligan
I was having difficulties running due to pain in my neck and back. Maria did a fantastic job of analysing the underlying issues causing the pain and tailoring the massages to solve them. Cannot recommend highly enough.
- Catherine Mulligan
I was having difficulties running due to pain in my neck and back. Maria did a fantastic job of analysing the underlying issues causing the pain and tailoring the massages to solve them. Cannot recommend highly enough.
- Catherine Mulligan